Thursday, December 20, 2012

Demise of Humanity

As the world is supposedly ending soon, the end of the year 2012 is not ending quite like any of the others (except all the other "The End" scares, but I was hardly old enough to care then.) I don't necessarily believe the world will end tomorrow. Or tonight, depending on who you ask. I feel like I'd be okay if it did though. 

The thing is, even though I don't believe the world will end, I think my subconscious does. I've been acting oddly friendly and helpful and happy lately, and though that could be explained by the holiday spirit, those who know the holiday me would tell you otherwise. I'm usually cynical and cross once the shoppers get to bustling and the bells start to jingle in every store and most intersections. And even in the years that I catch the Fa-la-la Fever, it's usually an anxious, energetic sort of infection. But not this year. This year, I'm at peace.

This year, I'm not sad for another year passing. I'm not mad at the drivers on the road. I'm not wishing ill on the Lexus crossovers that cut me off. I'm not even saying horrible things in my head about the customers who ask me ridiculous questions. In fact, I'm wishing well on everyone and everything. I'm singing along to all the carols and dressing in sweaters and scarves. And I'm loving every minute of it. I'm not doing it ironically, I'm not doing it out of obligation to tradition. 

The thing is, if the world were to end tomorrow, I wouldn't want to go out as a cynical Grinch. I'd rather go out as contented as can be. I wouldn't want to go out angry at all things and people and humanity. I'd want to go out full of hope.

At the risk of sounding like an idealist, I really believe that if there were more people with this mindset, we'd be a better race. When the Mayans predicted the end of the world, maybe they weren't talking about the asteroids or the zombies. Maybe they meant the end of humanity. Maybe they meant the end of the way of humanity. With all the shootings and the doomsayers and the malice, I'd easily believe that. But I'm not willing to accept it.

If meteors start falling from the sky and the world starts burning, I'll be happy to die like the rest of the world, I'd rather hug Erika through the bars of a prison like Seeking a Friend than to be like Will Smith in I Am Legend. But if it's the morality we're arguing, I'll fight that tooth and nail. We are good people.

With that being said, go spend time with loved ones. I am. 

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